Saturday, January 19, 2008

Matchbox DC

Matchbox was not everything it's made up to be. We ordered the house specialties - miniburgers and pizza. The miniburgers were great in size and looked incredible. They were pretty good with the fried onions, but what got me was the salt. You could taste the salt on the patties and the fried onions did not help to cut the flavor. It was like the beef was rolled in salt, seriously. The pizza arrived and my first few bites of the Q special were fantastic - the crust, sauce, and perfectly melted cheese were amazing. But then I got to a burnt slice, which I suppose is a risk you take with a wood fired oven. Things got worse when I tried my friend's Prosciutto White which was overwhelmed by powerful olives and white wine. It sounded so good on paper! We finished the night with the chocolate molten cake, which was good, but nothing special. Overall, Matchbox was a pretty good DC restaurant for the money. You definitely pay for the atmosphere and crowd, but the food - eh, you can do a lot better.


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