Monday, May 12, 2008

Bacar SF

How disappointing. Maybe I shouldn't have had high hopes, but when you are going to be putting down $50 per person, how can you not? Anyway, Bacar wasn't that bad, but it was definitely not great. We ordered the pork belly to start. Very crispy fatty pig is what it was. We liked the sweet and sour onions that came with. The flavors were there and it was cooked well, but we were hoping for more. For our entrees, I ordered the duck breast and my friend had the suckling pig. Once the dishes came out, the problem was apparent. On my plate were five beautiful thick slices of duck. But where was the spinach, wild rice, and turnips? They were hidden in miniscule amounts under the duck. The ratio was unsettling. I finished everything besides the duck because there was too much! The suckling pig was the same. There was a giant cut of pork belly and another giant slice of pork and the accompaniments lay idly between. The quality of the food was there, but the proportions made me feel sick. After not finishing my plate, I thought I would give Bacar one more try and ordered the chocolate torte for dessert. It was good, but nothing to scream about. Overall, it was a disappointing meal.


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