Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oyamel DC

This restaurant has been on my "To Try" list for quite some time and my friend and I finally made our way there last week. Oyamel features Mexican dishes, tapas style. We ordered the daily special of Camarones with some type of chipotle sauce, Enchilada de pollo con salsa verde, Machuco relleno de frijol con salsa negra, and two tacos. My friend had the Pollo a la parrilla con aguacate taco and I had the Chapulines taco. For anyone that needs to work on their Spanish, I had the taco of sauteed grasshoppers :D Before I get to the grasshoppers, I want to first talk about the tapas. The special was fantastic, it was our favorite dish. The shrimp were cooked perfectly and that sauce was amazing, so flavorful and dynamic. The machuco was a plantain. The black beans added something, but overall, the plantain tasted like a plantain. The enchilada was tasty. I thought the tomatillo really added to the dish. I expected it to be spicy because of the chiles, but it was much more on the mild side. Now, the tacos. My friend said her chicken with guacamole taco was boring. Exactly what you would expect, nothing more. My taco on the other hand was something completely different. I do believe I have tried grasshoppers before, but never in such a concentrated amount. This was a taco of grasshoppers and just grasshoppers. They were crunchy like I expected, but the taste was unlike anything I had ever had before - not spicy, not tangy, just kind of salty. There was not much to this dish, I could not even taste the shallots or tequila and being tequila, I definitely thought it would have hit me. Well, now I can say I tried it and it's off my list. Not something I would order again, but it wasn't horrible. You know, if my survival depended on it...


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